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  • Fitness Club Management Software and its importanceĀ 

    In this era where technology has emitted its power in every single appliance, gadget, device which can ease your life; will you opt for the outdated ways over technological advancement?....

    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
  • Why Gym Attendance Tracking is imperative for gym business?

    Gym attendance tracking is imperative for benefitting your clients as well as your business. It plays a considerable impact in determining your future strategies for business expansion. When it comes....

    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
  • Six weight loss mistakes you must correct

    We understand that its not easy to break old habits. However, the below-mentioned weight loss mistakes can really hinder your fitness goals and weight loss journey. Thus, it is imperative....

    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
  • Proper Hydration and its importance

    Proper hydration is a vital part of our everyday lives. Being well hydrated is imperative for the overall functioning of our body organs. As a matter of fact, our body....

    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
  • Member retention strategies for Gym /Fitness clubs

    Customer service is the key to member retention. Find out the other factors that will retain and add on memberships to your gym/ fitness club year after year.


    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
  • Why Digital Forms are better for your Fitness Club?

    Saving the environment in todays world requires constant efforts from every single individual. When it comes to the fitness industry, switching from paper-based work to digital forms can....

    SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022

For Gym Owners

AdviceFit is a platform built on the state of the art technology with the capability of interoperability across multiple devices. AdviceFit aims at revolutionizing the fitness ecosystem through digitally managing all key components - Fitness Centers, Members, Employees, Visitors, etc. It provides Stakeholders with a streamlined method of keeping a check on all business processes- Subscription, Inquiry, Payment, Package, Follow-Ups, Membership, etc

for gym owners

BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women

54.2 kg/m2 Body Mass Index (BMI)
18-25 Normal Weight
25-30 Overweight
30 -40 Obesity
Above 40 Morbid Obesity