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3 Tips to Stick to Fitness Resolution This New Year

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
3 Tips to Stick to Fitness Resolution This New Year

With New Year around the corner, everyone is busy in planning to what resolution to take this year. While some of you must be thinking to quit smoking, cut drinking habits and take up yoga sessions, some must be daydreaming of getting back into the shape, owning a car or buying that dream house youve been searching for. Like all other promises and resolutions, staying fit and healthy is a commitment in its own grand manner. And why not, obviously you dont have to put much of effort when it comes to thinking one but need a lot of courage and determination to stick to it. Now, this is not something that you didnt think of last year or the year before that. So, what would be different this year? Why wouldnt you fall off the same wagon and get back to the old habits? Well, this year you have us. Throughout the year wed be helping you with tips and techniques to better track your fitness gains and help you to stay focused and motivated towards your New Year resolution. Its our promise from our AdviceFit team, wed never let you slack because at the end of the day A healthy mind stays in a healthy body.  Take a look!

Wear Fitness Trackers

In a world where we all are surrounded by technology, think of wearing and using fitness trackers. These are smart devices, such as a wristwatch or even anklets which are capable of recording and storing data of all the physical activities you do the entire day. This includes tracking calorie, monitoring heart rate, floors climbed, distance travelled, sleep time, steps taken, and many other things to keep a tab on your fitness. A visual data woks as a source of motivation so you could do better the next day than the previous one.  Also Read: Debunking Common Myths About Whey Protein

Use Smart Water Bottles

How many of you know that our body weight is 60% of water. It is one of the most essential elements required for our survival. Ideally, a healthy human being should drink at least eight glasses of water but owing to our busy schedule we often give it a miss. You are more prone to dehydration if you are indulged in doing physical activities to keep yourself fit. Drinking water flushes out toxins from our body, boost energy levels, prevent headaches, keep skin clear, improve cardiovascular health, stimulate muscles, and even lubricate joints. However, you dont have to worry much as there are many smart water bottles that glow or vibrate after different time intervals to remind you about drinking as well as helps you to stick to fitness resolution this new year. Also Read: 4 Powerful Reasons to User Fitness Tracker

Incorporate Virtual Reality

Doing cardio, running on the treadmill or doing crunches on a regular basis even when you are doing all this with music can turn boring in no time. It is when you will lose your motivation and begin skipping your fitness regime. So, instead of following the same routine in the gym, why not to incorporate something different, more engaging and fun to do like a virtual reality. Just imagine yourself trying to sync your moves with a Zumba dancer or playing a game involving running towards the opponent and shooting them at different angles. This way, your workout will not just get enjoyable but will also motivate you to stick to fitness resolution this new year.