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4 Ways to Improve Your Immunity Against Coronavirus

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
4 Ways to Improve Your Immunity Against Coronavirus

No one has thought even in their worst dreams that the entire world will face such a pandemic. Coronavirus or Covid-19 is a deadly disease which spread like a wildfire among human beings. As this virus is novel in nature so as of now, there is no cure available to fight against it. As it is a communicable disease, so most doctors around the globe are advocating about using hand sanitizer and washing hand with soap at regular intervals. But, is that enough to build a wall against a virus which has already taken lives of more than 4 lakh people and has affected over 200 countries and territories? NO! There is no cure in sight for it any time soon, so here is the time when you should think to find ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus. Also Read: Things you should avoid right after taking a meal

Improve Your Diet

The food we eat and the lifestyle we follow plays a crucial role in building our immunity. Eating a low carb diet helps in maintaining blood pressure and sugar levels. On the other side, including protein in diet keeps you fit and in good shape. Foods such as mushroom, bell pepper, tomato and green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are great ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus. Apart from foods and veggie, try to have natural immunity supplements like gooseberries (amla), turmeric and ginger.

Stay Hydrated

Do you know what is the easiest ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus? Keep yourself hydrated and it will safeguard you against such a deadly disease. When your body stays hydrated, it flushes out the harmful fluids and toxins from the body and keeps the flu-like symptoms at bay. Also, it is the summer season in the country, hence, it is always a good choice to sip coconut water and juices made out of citrus fruits to beat the scorching heat of the summer.

Never Skip Exercise Regime

If there is anything that can supplement the benefits of the food you eat then its exercise. It is always advisable that a good diet should also include a regular fitness regime. It is one of the perfect ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus. And we are not asking you to lift weights and run for straight 10 kilometres. You can begin with easy to moderate exercise that you can continue to do for 30-40 minutes a day depending on your stamina. Even a brisk walk and some stretching exercises are wonderful ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus.  Also Read: Effects of smoking on exercise

Stay Away from Stress

More than the disease, it is the rumours and stress that takes a heavy toll not just on mind but on the body as well. Staying locked down for months and the constant fear of getting infected from it may result in depression and anxiety. For this, you try to meditate for an hour in the morning. Excessive stress releases cortisol hormone which makes you susceptible to infections. Hence, it is the best ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus. Other than that, if you are into smoking, alcohol, vaping or even substance abuse, it is high time for you to stay away from it. When you smoke, it weakens lung capacity and diminishes the cell lining which fights against the virus when it enters the nasal orifices.  Apart from these, the Ministry of AYUSH has also recommended some ways to improve your immunity against coronavirus.
  • Drink warm water.
  • Increase the intake of cumin, turmeric, garlic and coriander.
  • Practise pranayama, yogasana and meditation.
  • Consume decoction of cinnamon, raisin, holy basil, dry ginger, and black pepper.
  • Inhale steam having caraway seeds and mint leaves.