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Eating In COVID-19 Will Uplift Mood and Immunity

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
Eating In COVID-19 Will Uplift Mood and Immunity

In these days of lockdown people are expressing more agitation and angst. When the entire family is at home, it leads to chaos and disrupts each other‘s routine. As everyone‘s stuck with work from home, no school, and no routine. With the doubt of exposed shelves where a nutritious diet is nowhere to see, making it easy to eat what‘s easily available. With disrupted eating habits all one needs is the wholesome eating in COVID-19 that will uplift mood and immunity. Food is a vital ingredient for us to remain sane in quarantine. We know it‘s difficult to not eat junk and processed food as it‘s tempting and delicious with baked goods. With which we intake a lot of carbohydrates too which shows an effect on the body with a high level of blood sugar, weight gain, bad metabolic health, and an extended risk of heart disease. Also Read: Work From Home Exercises to Stay Fit During Coronavirus Crises How can we do good eating in COVID-19 which will uplift mood and immunity?


Make a schedule of your daily activities which can be followed by everyone.

Eat Together

Staying at home with everyone allows the family to be together on the dining table at the same time. It will arouse coordination and eating together a good meal will help to boost immunity and mood.

Citrus Fruit

Don‘t forget to keep sweet oranges, limes, mandarins, or lemons. Citrus fruit is not only a terrific source of vitamin-C and fiber but it robust the immune system.

Cook by Staying Connected

Share recipes and cook together through video calls. Take benefit of zoom calls, hangout, skype, and face time with anyone you want while you cook.

Magnesium Rich Food

Each cell of our body needs magnesium to function. The reason green leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, seafood, etc. should be a must in the diet. It fights depression, increases work performance, prevents migraines, and improves PMS symptoms.

More Nutrients

Focus on fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and potassium, as it helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and are inherently low in calories, sodium, and fat.

Piggy Bank

By cutting sugar-snacks, processed food, and baked items will save you money, enjoy collecting it in a piggy bank. Also Read: Meditation a Miracle in Times of COVID-19  
               "If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food." Errick McAdams
Food has a direct effect on our body as well as mind. Especially in days like these one should be more cautious of what they eat and keep in stock at home. Making the right choice is the requirement of the time, with food rich in nutrients, minerals, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins, boost us with energy making our immune stronger. With correct eating in COVID-19 will uplift our mood and immune which is the need of the hour. Staying home is itself a task but that doesn‘t mean we‘ll eat anything we lay our hands-on. Which contributes to stomach problems, stress, overweight, etc. , but with little planning, discipline, and changing eating habits can make us effective and more efficient in COVID-19 .