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Foods To Eat Before You Hit the Gym

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
Foods To Eat Before You Hit the Gym

Yeah, we know missed gymming all these months during the lockdown period. But now when it has been lifted and the government has given its nod to open them following the social distancing measures, you must be pretty excited to lift those heavy weights. Your gym bag must be packed by now, the water bottle is ready and you have already worn your favourite gym shoes. But amid all this excitement, have you thought about the food to eat before you hit the gym? You want to exercise hard, run quicker and jump higher, but missed to fuel your body with some nutritious food. Well today in this post from AdviceFit, we will share a list of food to eat before you hit the gym.  Also Read: How does exercise help in combating type 2 diabetes?


[caption id="attachment_641" align="aligncenter" width="4500"]Oats Oats[/caption] As oats are full of fibre they release a good amount of carbohydrates gradually. Because of this steady release of carbohydrates, it keeps the energy levels consistent all the time while you do your workout. This means that you will be able to work hard for a longer duration without being exhausted. Oats also comes with Vitamin B that helps in turning carbohydrates into energy which is utilised during heavy workout sessions.


[caption id="attachment_643" align="alignnone" width="764"]Banana Banana[/caption] Next in our list of foods to eat before you hit the gym is bananas. They are a great source of instant energy and also known to be mother natures power bar. Bananas are a perfect amalgamation of potassium and carbohydrates which aid muscle and nerve functioning. Apart from that bananas are packed are filled with carbs and account for almost 90% of calories found in the banana that ultimately helps to fuel not just our body but the brain as well. 

Dried Fruit

[caption id="attachment_640" align="alignnone" width="800"]Dried Fruit Dried Fruit[/caption] Dried fruits are nothing less than a gods blessings and make for the perfect food to eat before you hit the gym. Dried apricots, pineapple, berries, among others are good and easy to have pre-workout foods. Your body requires a lot of energy before you go to the gym and dried found has that in abundance. So, grab a handful of them and be ready to lift those weights with much ease. Also Read: Why it is better to exercise together in a group?

Protein Shakes 

[caption id="attachment_642" align="alignnone" width="800"]Protein Shakes Protein Shakes[/caption] If there is one thing which is most important for bodybuilding, it would undoubtedly be protein. They help immensely in the muscle recovery process as they get damaged due to continuous stress on the body while lifting heavy weights. Protein contains amino acids which encourage the body for muscle protein synthesis (MPS) signally it to grow and repair muscles making it one of the best food to eat before you hit the gym.