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Why it is Better to Exercise Together in a Group?

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
Why it is Better to Exercise Together in a Group?

The first time when we enter the gym, we are unsure of everything. From thinking of the time it will take to build a body like your favourite film star to how long you will push yourself to come to the gym, you will always find yourself surrounded with a sense of uncertainty hovering over the mind. And it is pretty obvious. While it is always difficult for the first-timers to bear the pain in the first week of exercising, it is gruelling for others to take the last rap. The fact is, doing workouts is no childs play. It takes a hell lot of willpower than efforts. But, your journey to fitness can become enjoyable if you boarded it with those with the same destination. So, in this post, we will tell you why it is better to exercise together in a group. Also Read: How to improve immunity to fight against coronavirus?


You could be that rare person if you wake up sharp at 5 oclock to hit the gym against all odds. Well, the high chances are that the millions out there are not like you. Thanks to the Köhler Effect because of which no one like to become the weakest link in the group. When you see yourself lagging behind others, you begin to push yourself harder. There are many studies which show that when it is better to exercise together in a group as it results in improved performance and we try to go beyond those points which remain untouched when we exercise alone.

Proper Form

One of the biggest challenges that gym-goers face is a proper form. Exercising in a fitness club is not just about going mad over lifting weights. In fact, those weights should bring an effect in the intended muscle area or else all your efforts are going in vain. In a place where you dont have a personal trainer, it might get hard for you to do the exercise following in the right form. This is why it is better to exercise together in a group as your peers may tell you if you are doing it the right way or not. Following the right form is not just important for your muscles but it also helps to avoid potential injuries. Also Read: How to stay healthy during this monsoon season?

Positive Competitiveness

One of the biggest reasons why it is better to exercise together in a group is that it inculcates the feeling of positive competitiveness when the other person grunts in front of you. When you see your friend getting a step closer to their goal, your mind and body begin to push you harder to bring you out of your comfort zone. Seeing what your peers are capable of doing inspires you to do more and push more.