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Impact of Drinking Alcohol After a Workout Session

SYSTEM / 29 Sep, 2022
Impact of Drinking Alcohol After a Workout Session

You are undoubtedly a fitness enthusiast. But, then you see yourself in a dilemmatic situation where its become hard to decide which way to go. And the situation is, after a sweaty and rigorous workout session, one of your friends asked you to reward yourself with a glass of beer or a premium scotch. But, here you are. Sitting confused and idle if you should have some alcohol to bring the best out of your weekend or is it fine to sit in the corner of the bar with a glass of orange juice. Because even if you are not sure, but your mind knows the impact of drinking alcohol after a workout session is not much rewarding. Believe us, your subconscious mind is right. In this post from AdviceFit, we are breaking down the impact of drinking alcohol after a workout session. Take a look!

Increase Risk of Dehydration

One of the biggest impact of drinking alcohol after a workout session is you become more prone to the risk of dehydration. Alcohol is diuretic, which means the frequency of going to the washroom increases under the influence of alcohol. In the process, you will release more body fluids. As you have already lost a lot of fluids in the form of sweat during exercise, the additional loss of water expedites the dehydration process in your already dehydrated body. Severe electrolyte depletion and dehydration can result in serious medical condition or even death if ignored. Also Read: How trekking helps in improving fitness?

Harder To Build Muscles

It is one of those facts that only a few people are aware of. Alcohol impacts the body functioning in many ways but the impact of drinking alcohol after a workout session is huge on muscle building. Alcohol consumption slows down the efficiency of our body to repair muscles post a rigorous gym session. The case becomes severe if you just did resistance training, such as sprints, running down hills or eccentric movements. It is a common thing to consume protein after a workout, but when protein comes into contact with alcohol, it delays our muscle recovery capability. Also Read: 4 Powerful Reasons to use fitness tracker?

Put Stress on Body

Consumption of alcohol has a direct impact on brain functioning. It decreases cortical activity. This means it deters our decision-making, movement and speech capabilities. After a workout session, our nervous system uses a lot of energy to cope up with the stress it has to go through at the gym. By taking alcohol after exercise, you are making it difficult for the body to get back to normal at the cellular level. This, in turn, put more stress on both cardiovascular and metabolic process of the body and ultimately affect strength and performance. This way impact of drinking alcohol after a workout session is adverse on our health.